
Proposed Uniform Guidance changes aim to improve implementation consistency

The latest OMB pre-publication revisions would impact the uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal award recipients. Discover key proposed changes that may impact your organization.



Transition to online filing: State requirements

Many states are beginning to request (and in some cases mandate) that nonprofit annual filings be done electronically. Find out how some states are adjusting their filing requirements to make the transition as seamless as possible.


Understand filing differences: 501(c)(3) requirements

Charitable organizations are as diverse as the causes they represent, and not all filings (nor tax treatments) are the same. Explore the classifications, differences, and corresponding filing requirements.


Maintain HUD compliance: Three must-dos

For rental property owners receiving HUD assistance through debt financing or tenant rent subsidies, it’s important to understand reporting and compliance requirements. Gain insight into HUD’s complex requirements so you can maintain compliance and continue to receive funding.


Become a better functioning organization: Key takeaways

You know your organization needs to change—to develop a better culture, to enhance efficiencies, or to improve outcomes. But where do you start? Here are some top takeaways to help you embark on a journey to a better culture and manage organizational change.


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