Leverage our CECL analysis to benchmark your institution's allowance results

For financial institutions interested in benchmarking against other institutions in the same region or nationally, our CECL consulting team has prepared an analysis of the allowance behavior since adoption.

This analysis was compiled using Call Report data through March 31, 2024, and is arranged by geographic region and asset size. 

Complete the form to the right to download our CECL allowance analysis charts.

Meet our CECL experts: 


A Senior Manager in BerryDunn’s Financial Services Practice Group since December 2021, Susan leads our CECL model validation and bank consulting engagements and the firm’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Task Force.

Susan leverages her 26 years of public banking experience to help clients with CECL implementation, credit risk and model risk management, policy, internal controls, governance, and board and executive presentations. She brings a wide-ranging perspective to every project, providing guidance on strategic initiatives and tactical applications.

David Stone BerryDunn

David is a Senior Manager in BerryDunn’s Financial Services Practice Group. He provides accounting and audit services to broker-dealers, mutual holding companies, community banks, and other financial services providers. He also performs internal control audits and advises on internal controls testing, regulatory compliance, and more.

David uses his passion for technical topics and relationship building to help clients find practical solutions to their business challenges. He is a recipient of the AICPA’s Elijah Watt Sells Award.

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