Download our free checklist: 10 tips for a successful Medicaid DSH audit
If your hospital receives Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payments, the annual DSH audit can be daunting. Since there are potentially significant financial implications, it’s imperative that you understand the requirements and that you complete the audit promptly and accurately.
This checklist will help guide you through an effective and accurate audit.
Complete the form on the right to gain access to the PDF checklist.
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“BerryDunn” is the brand name under which Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC and BDMP Assurance, LLP provide professional services.
Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC and BDMP Assurance, LLP practice in an alternative practice structure in accordance with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and applicable law, regulations and professional standards. BDMP Assurance, LLP is a licensed independent CPA firm that provides attest services to its clients, and Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC and its subsidiary entities provide tax and business advisory services to their clients.
The entities falling under the BerryDunn brand are independently owned and neither entity is liable for the services provided by the other entity. Our use of the terms “our Firm” and “we” and “us” and terms of similar import denote the alternative practice structure of Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker, LLC and BDMP Assurance, LLP.
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